Engineering Graphics Practical (S1 & S2)

  1.   Construct a scale of 1:5 to show decimeters and centimeters and to  read up to 1 meter. Show the length of 7.6 dm on it
  2.   Construct a scale of 1.5cm = 1 dm to read up to 1 meter. Show on it a  length of 0.6m.
  3. 3    Draw a scale of 1:50 showing meters & decimeters & to measure up to 8 meters. Show the length of 5.4 m on it.
  4.   A 3.2 cm long line represents a length of 4 meters. Extend this line to  measure lengths up to 25 meters and show on it units of meter and 5  meters. Show the length of 17 meters on this line.
  5. 5     A room of 1728 m3 volume is shown by a cube of 216 cm3 volume. Find the RF & Construct a plain scale to measure up to 42 m. Mark a   distance of 22m on this scale
  6. 6      Draw a diagonal scale of RF = 3/100, showing meters, decimeters & centimeters
  7. 7      Draw the line of length = LOS & divide it into n equal parts based on ML. Draw a rectangle
  8.     Construct a diagonal scale of RF = 1/6250 to read up to 1 kilometer and to read meters
  9. 9      An area of 144 sq cm on a map represents an area of 36 sq km on the field.

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