/ Undifined / Theory of Relativity (Example 1) Lecture-8

Theory of Relativity (Example 1) Lecture-8

Theory of Relativity                                                                                        
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Example 3 : A small lantern of mass 100 gm is hanged from the pole of a bullock cart using a massless string.                      What is the tension in the string,
                    (a)   when the bullock cart is at rest,
                    (b)   moves with uniform velocity of 3 m/s
                    (c)   moves with an acceleration of 2 .
                     Assume that cart moves smoothly.
Solution:   (a)   At rest :

                   (b)   Uniform Velocity  (Inertial frame) :
                No acceleration acts on the system. So.
                                Here also    
(c)   Accelerating frames :

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